
Amsterdam by bicycle

WARNING, despite the fact that this was a trip to Amsterdam, and there are tonnes of pictures, all of it is rated G, for Grood, or Great, or Good, or Great and Good.

Past weekend, went with my cousin to Amsterdam for the day. We rented bicycles and absorbed some arhic-culture. Nice time. I think I'd have to say that bicycles are the best means of seeing a city. I took so many pics in this day trip, it really made me feel like a tourist.

-Amsterdam by bike, and I believe the guy at the bike rental place charged us a lower rate because we were dutch and not the regular tourists, although I'm not sure on that.

-MuziekGebouwAan'tIj, (Music Building on the Island), a really nice fairly new building. The black block jutting out the side is a jazz concert hall I believe.

-Bimhuis, the jutty-outy black block.

-See-thru, this shot gives a better view of how the building has a skin of glass, and a giant concrete heart.

-Nice sign-age, I think I'm gonna end up highlighting a lot of the nice sign-age in this trip post.

-Large open spaces, monolithic blocks of concrete, and nice sign-age. I like how the signs for the elevator aren't placed on a 'sign' but are just decals on the wall, very simplistic and minimalist, and nicely done.

-Oh, and really nice hardwood floors. I think this building also makes me appreciate materials when used nicely. Lots of natural light also from the massive glass exterior walls.

-Bar tables at the downstairs dock-level. Close up of the nice hardwood floors, and nice view of immense glass wall and open space.

-More sign-age, again, decals incorporated into structural elements for the sign, plus placement at stairs and the angle all work really well.

-Lone party? Champagne bottle sitting on the deck outside for some reason? It looks lonely, damn it, I should have gave it some company.

-Mmmint, fresh mint tea, which consists of hot water and mint leaves, add honey as desired.

-New canal development, made to have a similar 'look' to the older canals/streets of Amsterdam. This is built on an island with newer development, so it isn't made to detract from the charm of old Amsterdam, but is rather a new take on it. (or so my interpretation goes)

-The house in the centre is the one I picked out, SOLD, where do I sign. I really like how the stripe of wood slats on the left side blends in with the door. That and the mix of wood, glass, and steel.

-Marine Musem Amsterdam (or was it maritime museum?) either way really nice classic architecture on a massive building.

-Same museum, further away gives more perspective on its mass.

-Architecture Centrum Amsterdam, I think at this point, I'm just taking pictures of pretty buildings.

-Back of Architecture Centrum Amsterdam

-NEMO science centre

-Bridge from NEMO

-openbare bibliotheek amsterdam

-anti-theft scanners are even nicely designed, (frosted glass I think?) but by the looks of the rest of this library, nothing else would have been good enough

-gotta love the sign-age, very nicely indicated, and becomes the central feature to the library, the floor sign-age incorporates into the escalators, and the white back-light with black lettering is very clean. I just thought this was really really nicely done, and added a lot to the library.

-upholstery by Hella Jongerius (of Droog Design)

-why don't all libraries look more like this?

-Multimedia floor

-this is a library?

-not a lightswitch rave?

-so much light, open space, nice work areas, 'design', ooh, and more pretty hardwood floors

-DS, on a kinda not related note, just a detail shot of a Citroën DS in the streets of amsterdam, what I belive to be one of the most beautiful cars ever produced.


Albert said...

Nice reflection capture on the facade of the Architecture Centrum Amsterdam; the building itself is an optical illusion and I can't wrap my brain around its volume.

The question on everybody's (my) mind is: did you eat any brownies on this trip?

will.i.am said...

Yeah, no brownies THIS trip. So there was no 'trip' this trip.

daniellegrace said...

thanks for the photo tour, willem! its ALMOST as good as being there.... ok, not even close. but still refreshing.

will.i.am said...

Hey, the Public Library is one you should appreciate eh Danielle? Having been a librarian, add in the 'design' element.


Angela said...

Okay, seriously, one of my favourite parts of Amsterdam is the KNSM islands - I used to go running there all the time! Seriously - some of my closest friends lived on Stuurmankade! I was kind of close by bike, but more by Oosterpark. I love that part of the city. The architecture just so cool. Did you go by the large piece of public art that is just tables, stacked upon each other? I miss my hood.

More than that, I miss mint tea.