
Somebody pinch me!

-Van der Veer Designers

Today was my first day at work.
Holy crap!!! The place I work at is awesome, the projects they work on are sweet, and the studio space has gotta be just about second to none. What was running through the back of my mind most of the day at work? don't screw up, don't screw up, don't screw up.
I had a day today that involved 'research' which, I think reminds me something of what I heard Topher got to do at Springtime, google images of stuff and put it together as 'research'.
I got assigned a project today right away pretty much too, which is awesome, as far as I know no-one else is working on it besides myself which is really cool. Getting a 4 page project brief entirely in Dutch, despite my knowledge of the language did however involve a reasonable amount of consulting babelfish.
This is going to be the best work experience ever!!! (so long as I don't screw up)

These photos are nicked from the company website, showing the new construction/renovation they had/are having. Since they are posted on the website, I'm assuming I'm not doing anything wrong by putting them here.

-industrial design studios on the 2nd floor, the desk towards the left of centre with the dark monitor and chair is where I sit

-more studio pic, it's just so nice, yes, i do believe they are Aeron chairs

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